Azure Storage Account Immutability (Part 4/4): ConclusionIn this article, the summary of Azure immutable blob storage, and Time based & Legal Hold based immutability policies are discussed.Dec 11, 2022Dec 11, 2022
Azure Storage Account Immutability (Part 3): Legal Hold Based RetentionIn this article, achieving Azure Blob immutability using Legal Hold is explained.Dec 11, 2022Dec 11, 2022
Azure Storage Account Immutability (Part2) : Time Based RetentionIn this article, the achieving Azure Blob immutability using Time based retention policy is explained.Dec 11, 2022Dec 11, 2022
Azure Storage Account Immutability (Part 1): BasicsIn this article, the basics of Azure Storage Account immutability a.k.a immutable blob storage is explained.Dec 11, 2022Dec 11, 2022